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Steve’s Story (in his words)

Early days

I was born in Guelph, Ontario, and from my earliest days my parents Ron and Glenys taught me that there was a God who loved me and had sent his Son to the cross for me. My earliest days were spent in cities like Ajax and Winnipeg where my father served as a pastor and it was while in Ajax that I as a young boy made a decision to place my faith in Christ. It was a decision that was real but one that I grew to embrace even more as I grew older. While living in Timmins I made the decision to be baptized as a step of obedience and a public demonstration of my faith. I began to think about what I’d like to do when I grew up.

Getting started

God was nudging me toward ministry back then but I was young and had other dreams about becoming a high school teacher and coach. I went to the University of Guelph with that purpose in mind and it was while there that God challenged my heart about running from what I was afraid he might want me to do. It was in the middle of my university career that I finally surrendered to God’s calling and headed toward vocational ministry. Pam and I were married in while I was attending seminary and since that time have had the privilege of leading some wonderful churches.

Most recently

Today we are happy to be at Grandview and looking forward to serving with you here.  (These words were written and submitted to Grandview Baptist Church by Steve as a snapshot of his faith story when he applied for membership at the church.)


If you're looking for comfort, or just want to hear Steve's voice, you can find his sermons posted on Grandview's website, including his last sermon "Make my life count." Dad, thanks for making every day count and teaching us how to do the same.

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