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Steve & Pam's Love Story

Let me tell you our love story. 


In December of 1980 I was invited by Steve’s little sister Caroline to the Baxter’s house to help decorate their Christmas tree.  I needed a ride home that night and Steve volunteered. When we arrived in my driveway I could tell that this man was someone that I wanted to get to know.  In my typical passive way, I asked him if he would be interested in going tobogganing that Friday night. To my surprise he said, ‘sure’!  I was thrilled and a few days later we found ourselves sitting on a snowy hill atop an old toboggan. I don’t remember actually sliding down the hill that night, but I do remember sitting in the arms of the most amazing man I’d ever met. For the first time in my life I felt safe and protected. We both knew that we had found our soul mate. That evening ended with a hot chocolate and the most gentle, beautiful kiss.  My heart was bounding with excitement as I watched him drive away that night.


On June 25, 1983 our lives were joined in holy matrimony.  We have been so very blessed throughout our 33-year marriage and have shared so many happy, funny, challenging and sad times. Our relationship went through all the seasons numerous times and was stronger at the end of each one (good or bad). I can honestly say that this amazing loving man thought I was the most beautiful woman on earth and he never failed to tell me.  Every morning started out with, ‘hello gorgeous!’. Just before Steve passed away we had attended a wedding and I remember looking over at him across the dance floor and feeling that same flutter in my stomach that I had when we first met. I loved this man with every fibre of my being and I know that the feeling was mutual.


Our secret? We never took life too seriously, we held to what was important; family and faith with a whole lot of fun mixed in. We were always laughing, teasing and playing. Steve always seemed to know just what I needed and when I needed it. It was not unusual to have flowers show up at work for me, ‘Just because I love you and I’m so very proud of you’. Many people thought that Steve spoiled me rotten and I can honestly say that he did, but probably not in the typical way (although he did that too). Steve spoiled me with his unconditional love, he spoiled me with his undivided attention, he spoiled me with his wise counsel, he spoiled me by always being there when I needed him and he spoiled me with his ability to know when to speak and when to stay silent. He spoiled me by being the best father a child could ask for and he spoiled me with his never failing protection.


We had the privilege of having two beautiful daughters, Erin and Heather, who were unashamedly, ‘daddy’s little girls’. He was so very proud of each of them and was the most amazing father, one who got down on the floor and played for hours, who always laughed and teased, but would always take the time for the serious talks, who wasn’t afraid to discipline and who talked to them about life, love and responsibilities. He adored ‘his girls’. Steve was a marshmallow when it came to his girls. He had difficulty getting angry with them and always sought to help no matter what stage of life they were in.


As I reflect on the 35 years that I was with Steve I can’t help but smile. I have experienced the type of love that is rare. I have felt unconditional, all-encompassing love, love that is never failing.  I have been so very, very blessed by this Godly husband. It has been my privilege to walk through life with you sweetheart. I only wish our story didn’t have to end so soon. 


Until we meet again my love, xoxoxo

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